English and Scientific names:

Yellow-green vireo (Vireo flavoviridis)

Number of individuals: 

1 individual, AHY, U

Locality: LOUISIANA: 


Specific Locality:

LAT            LONG
29.75791552    -93.65136992

Johnson bayou

Date(s) when observed:


Time(s) of day when observed:  

captured in mist net at 10:50

Reporting observer and address:

Frank Moore & Emily Cohen
Department of Biological Sciences
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive Box 5018
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

Field Assistant- Christine Roy, North American Banding Council certified bander



Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)

Bander- Dana Ripper Biologist,Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory,

Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):


Optical equipment: 


Distance to bird(s): 


Duration of observation:

several hours


captured in mist-net in Coastal woodlands (chenier)

Behavior of bird: 

flew SW when released


mass: 17.5g , fat:2 (0-5 scale), muscle:3 (Helms & Drury 1960), wing:77mm, tarsus:18.1mm, tail:60mm, exposed culmen:13-14mm, p9-p5= <4mm



Similar species:

The exposed culmen was longer than REVI and the P9-P5 was less than 4mm (unfortunately the exact measurement was not recorded) but mainly the plumage was far yellower than a REVI especially the undertail and underwing coverts, cheeks and sides.

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

Photos: Lainie LaHaye (attached)

Previous experience with this species: 


Identification aids:


This description is written from: 

We recorded the information at banding. 

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 


We first misidentified the bird as a REVI then reexamined and correctly identified it. None of us had ever seen a YGVI which caused some doubt but the bright yellow color of the plumage especially on the underwing & undertail coverts, cheeks, and flank was drastically different than any of the hundred or so REVIs that I have held during the past 2 spring migrations.


Emily Cohen

Date and time: 

5/3/2008 10:50