English and Scientific names:

Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis

Number of individuals: 

1 individual, unknown sex, unknown age, winter plumage

Locality: LOUISIANA: 

on Kincaid Lake, Rapides Parish

Specific Locality:

Open water of Kincaid Lake

Date(s) when observed:

11/03/06, 11/04/06, 11/05/06, 11/07/06

Time(s) of day when observed:  

4:30 to 5:30 PM each day

Reporting observer and address:

John Pitre

Boyce, LA

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):


Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)

None that I am aware of

Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

partly cloudy to sunny afternoons

Optical equipment: 

7x42 Brunton binoculars, photographed with a Nikon D-100 digital camera using 400 MM VR lens

Distance to bird(s): 

25 yards at closest encounter

Duration of observation:

approximately 30 to 45 minutes each sighting


Deep, open, inland freshwater reservoir

Behavior of bird: 

observed swimming with diving ducks, occasionally diving


Large bird (approxemately 18-20 inch long body) with extremely long neck (neck approximately 12 inches).  large amount of bright white colored plumage on lower head and neck contrasted by a dark (black) strip on back of neck and top of head.  Gray to matte black body.  Yellowish green pointed bill, noticeably red eyes.


none heard

Similar species:


Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

Numerous photographs taken.  Will attach

Previous experience with this species: 


Identification aids:

after observation:  National Geographic Field Guide to Birds of North

This description is written from: 

the day following an afternoon sighting

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 




John Pitre

Date and time: 

11/08/06 1:22 pm