English and Scientific names:

Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis

Number of individuals: 


Locality: LOUISIANA: 


Specific Locality:

Main Dam at Kincaid Lake

Date(s) when observed:

November 9, 2006

Time(s) of day when observed:  

Between 8:30 and 9:15 AM CST

Reporting observer and address:

Jay V. Huner

Boyce, Louisiana

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):


Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)

John Pitre

Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

Partly Cloudy, Sun rising from the East.

Optical equipment: 

Eagle Optics Scope and Zeiss 10 x 40 Binoculars

Distance to bird(s): 

Closest 50 yards

Duration of observation:

In view during entire presence in area.


Water Storage Reservoir at Main Dam

Behavior of bird: 

Bird swimming between rafts of Lesser Scaup and Ruddy Ducks and dam. Bird occasionally fed making 15-20 second dives.


The bird appeared in non-breeding plumage. The diagnostic black cap extended below the eye.



Similar species:

Clark's Grebe - never reported in Louisiana but were it a Clark's Grebe, the black cap would not have extended below the eye.

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

None. John Pitre who found the bird on November 8, 2006 has submitted a long form with images.

Previous experience with this species: 

I have seen several dozen Western Grebes and a few Clark's Grebes earlier this year in Colorado, Oregon and California.

Identification aids:

after observation:  Stokes Handbook of Eastern Birds and Sibley's Guide to Bird Identification.

This description is written from: 

Notes taken approximately 15 minutes after last viewing bird.

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 




Jay V. Huner

Date and time: 

November 10, 2006 approximately 9:25 AM.