English and Scientific names:

Lesser Nighthawk (Chordeiles acutipennis)

Number of individuals: 

one, sex, and age unknown



St Charles

Specific Locality:

Bonnet Carre Spillway; west of the Spillway Office and just west of the remote control airplane field.

Date(s) when observed:


Time(s) of day when observed:  

after dark 6:00 pm



Reporting observer and address:

Mary Mehaffey

Folsom, LA 



Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

Cham Mehaffey, Glenn Ousset, Shelley and Shannon Antoine



Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)



Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

after sundown; enough light to see to walk, light from area lighting in distance; bird flew over us about 10 - 15 ft above


Optical equipment: 

8 x 40 binoculars, 3 yrs old



Distance to bird(s): 

10 - 15 ft



Duration of observation:

30 seconds first observation; 20 seconds second observation a few minutes after the first observation




open field with area wetlands



Behavior of bird: 

flying low over meadow about 10 - 15 ft above ground, flying batlike with rapid wing beats and quick directional changes. Returned when call was played, but did not call. 




We were birding in the late afternoon waiting until dark to see the Short-eared Owl previously reported which did not make an appearance.    


about the same size as Am. Kestrel 9" in length;  the nighthawk had rapid up and down wing beats with quick directional changes and did not hover like the kestrel does.  the nighthawk was dark brown above and below, no rusty color noted and had distinct white wing patch.      



Did not call


Similar species:

Am Kestrel as described above; Common Nighthawk does not fly low over meadow as this nighthawk did; also wing beats were more rapid than Common Nighthawk and it made quick directional changes; batlike


Photographs or tape recordings obtained?



Previous experience with this species: 

have seen Lesser Nighthawk in two different areas of southern Arizona and in two different areas of west Texas

Identification aids:

used Sibley's Guide to Birds; discussed bird's behavior among ourselves


This description is written from: 

description is from notes made during observation (12/4/2010) and from notes made the day after (12/5/2010)

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 



Date and time: 

12/27/2010  12:30 pm