1. English and Scientific names: Iceland Gull, Larus glaucoides

2. Number of individuals, sexes, ages, general plumage (e.g., 2 in alternate plumage): 1 immature in 1st Winter plumage

3. Locality: Parish:   Mandeville, St. Tammany Parish

   Specific Locality: Mandeville Lakefront

4. Date(s) when observed: 27 November 2013

5. Time(s) of day when observed: ca. 1000 and then again later at 1320

6. Reporting observer and address: James W. Beck – 100 Aurelien Loop Lot #101 Broussard, LA 70518

7. Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s): Robert C. Dobbs, Marty Guidry

8. Other observers who independently identified the bird(s): Chris Brantley, Janine Robin, Philip Wallace, others

9. Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light): Initially found backlit, sitting on breakwater, then flew in closer and landed directly in front of us, to where the sun shone perfectly on it.

10. Optical equipment (type, power, condition): Minolta 7x50 binoculars, excellent condition, Swarovski 8.5x44 binoculars, good condition & Swarovski scope, excellent condition

11. Distance to bird(s): varying – ca. from 8 feet to as far away as ca. 35 yards

12. Duration of observation: 1st observation: ca. 15-20 minutes, 2nd observation: ca. 5 minutes

13. Habitat: Lakefront breakwaters and Lake Pontchartrain (estuary)

14. Behavior of bird / circumstances of observation (flying, feeding, resting; include and stress habits used in identification; relate events surrounding observation): Initially observed resting on breakwater, the flying in closer to feed on a redfish carcass on the grass on shore. After this, flew further out to a farther breakwater, resting on the water briefly before returning again to the original place of rest (1st breakwater).

15. Description (include only what was actually seen, not what "should" have been seen; include if possible: total length/relative size compared to other familiar species, body bulk, shape, proportions, bill, eye, leg, and plumage characteristics. Stress features that separate it from similar species): Overall mostly white gull, larger than Laughing & Ring-billed Gulls; dark eye, mostly dark bill with pinkish base to the bill, pink legs; soft gray barring on undertail coverts and greater median coverts; gray vermiculations on shoulder; primaries on open wing appear mostly white.

16. Voice: n/a

17. Similar species (include how they were eliminated by your observation): Glaucous Gull is larger, more overall white, and pinker on base of bill. Thayer’s Gull at this age is darker overall, with more of a contrast on mantle (?).

18. Photographs or tape recordings obtained? (by whom? attached?): Yes, photographed by many; three attached by me.

19. Previous experience with this species: None

20. Identification aids: (list books, illustrations, other birders, etc. used in identification):

a. at time of observation: Rob Dobbs

b. after observation: Sibley

21. This description is written from: ___x__ notes made during the observation (_____notes attached?);_____notes made after the observation (date:_____); _____memory.

22. Are you positive of your identification if not, explain: Yes.

23. Date: 28 November 2013 Time: 1153