English and Scientific names:

Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera)

Number of individuals: 

1 adult male in breeding plumage

Locality: LOUISIANA: 


Specific Locality:

Sabine National Wildlife Refuge
(seen from Wetland Walkway (nature trail), on northeast side of trail in large pond to east of observation tower)

Date(s) when observed:

5 March 2009

Time(s) of day when observed:  

between approx. 3-4 pm

Reporting observer and address:

Gay Gomez

Lake Charles, LA 

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

Robin Doughty

Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)


Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

Cinnamon teal male was easy to spot; the afternoon sun was shining directly on the bird, and the weather was clear.

Optical equipment: 

Leica Ultravid, 10 power, excellent condition;

Swavorski (not sure of model), 10 power, excellent condition.

Distance to bird(s): 

approx. 50 to 80 meters

Duration of observation:

We watched the Cinnamon Teal initially for about 15 minutes then returned about 30 minutes later to re-locate it (it had moved closer to the trail); we watched it for about another 10 minutes this second time.


Shallow pond in freshwater/intermediate marsh impoundment, though water may have still been somewhat brackish (area was recovering from storm surge of Hurricane Ike 6 months earlier).

Behavior of bird: 

The cinnamon teal male was on the water, resting most of the time we observed it but did dip its head to feed on a few occasions.  It was part of a flock of dabbling ducks (about 200) but fortunately was near the western edge of that flock and so was relatively near and easy to spot from the trail.


From our distance, the primary characteristic we observed that allowed us to identify the bird was its plumage.  The distinctive dark cinnamon/reddish brown color was clearly different and brighter than the more drab brown plumage of nearby blue-winged teal.  The bird was uniform in color and did not have the blue-winged or green-winged teal drakes' distinctive facial markings.  Also, the bird was approximately blue-winged-teal size, not smaller like a green-winged teal.



Similar species:

See above comments regarding plumage and size.

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?


Previous experience with this species: 

We’ve seen cinnamon teal frequently in central and south Texas.

Identification aids:

National Geographic Guide to North American Birds and Sibley (Audubon) Guide were available

This description is written from: 

Notes made same day of the observation and from memory

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 



Date and time: 

31 August 2009