English and Scientific names:

Black-throated Gray Warbler (Dendroica nigrescens)

Number of individuals: 

1 (presumably a hatch-year female)

Locality: LOUISIANA: 


Specific Locality:

Grand Isle State Park, E end of Grand Isle

Date(s) when observed:

28 October 2006

Time(s) of day when observed:  

first discovered at 0835h, observed through 0930h

Reporting observer and address:

Devin Bosler

Baton Rouge, LA

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

Justin Bosler, and many others

Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)


Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

Overcast skies, however lighting was fairly ideal

Optical equipment: 

Nikon Monarch 8x42, Nikon Venturer LX 8x32 (both in excellent condition)

Distance to bird(s): 

less than 5 meters

Duration of observation:

~1 hour (only visible sporadically)


Dune/scrub habitat along beachfront, predominant vegetaion consisted of Wax Myrtle (most dead), Saltbox, Croton. Other various dune grasses and debris/driftwood also present.

Behavior of bird: 

actively foraging low in dune vegetation w/ several Palm Warbler


Typical Dendroica warbler shape and feeding style. Dark gray cheek with a broad white supercilium and yellow supraloral spot. Plain gray back with white wing-bars and faint streaking on flanks (slight yellowish wash on undersides). Overall drab markings in first fall female plumage.



Similar species:

No other strikingly similar species

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

video recording by Jane Patterson, file sent separately

Previous experience with this species: 

moderate experience (seen many times in TX, AZ, and ID)

Identification aids:

after observation: consulted Peterson's Field Guides to Warblers for sex/age classification

This description is written from: 


Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 


yes, very positive


Devin Bosler

Date and time: 

6 November at 2150h