English and Scientific names:

Bell's Vireo,  Vireo bellii

Number of individuals: 

1, eastern type plumage

Locality: LOUISIANA: 

Acadia Parish

Specific Locality:

Hedge Row about two miles southwest of Crowley, LA.

Date(s) when observed:

January 2, 2007, Crowley CBC

Time(s) of day when observed:  

10:30 AM and again at 1:00 PM

Reporting observer and address:

Dave Patton

Lafayette, LA

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

Bill Fontenot
Stacey Scarce

Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)


Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

Bright sun behind us. Bird seen inside the dense brush, and later on the edge of bushes in good light.

Optical equipment: 

binoculars, 8.5 X 40

Distance to bird(s): 

5 feet and photos from @ 30 feet

Duration of observation:

30 seconds the first time and 2 minutes the second time.


Dense thick hedge row of privit, and other bushes surrounded by rice fields and grass fields. Small ditch within the hedge row.

Behavior of bird: 

10:30AM - Came into screech owl tape played in the thicket. A large group of mixed species (kinglets, gnatcatchers, sparrows, yellow-rumps, etc) responded actively to the tape. It was not notice the first time until I was shutting the tape off. It was inside the thicket a few feet from the tape as I reached for the tape player. It did not return to additional playing of the tape.
01:00PM - Returned and played tape at the same location. Again, mixed flock responded. The bird approached from outer edge of hedge row to the north with a southern sun. It fed several times on privit berries as it got closer. Allowed photographs from about 30 feet. Then re-entered the thicket.
The birds action were methodical. No flitting of the wings, or nervous behavior. Perched in the open occassionaly, but stayed within the cover of leaves for the most part.


Description: = Slightly larger than a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Small bill with a blunt tip, and pale grey in color. Brownish grey crown that changed in color at the nape becoming a dull green on the back. Dark wings with yellow edging to primaries. One pale wing bar created by pale tips on the greater primary coverts. Dark eye with a pale eye ring broken on each side by a pale dark line that ran through the eye. Very subtle facial features. Pale white throat boardered by a pale yellow wash on each side. The pale yellow continued down side of breast and belly. Undertail region mostly medium yellow.



Similar species:

Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Did not exhibit the nervous behavior of a kinglet or the flitting of the wings. Facial features more difuse with a broken pale eye ring. One pale wing bar. Not vocal.
Imm White-eyed Vireo - facial features more diffuse. Only one pale wing bar. Not as bold. No vocals. Bill not as heavy.

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

Photographs taken with Canon SLR digital and 300 mm lens. The images submitted were cropped from larger photograph. No brightness, contrast, or color adjustments made to the images. by: Dave Patton

Previous experience with this species: 

A few in Louisiana

Identification aids:

at time of observation:  Sibley's and National Geo

This description is written from: 

Memory and looking at photo's

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 




Dave Patton

Date and time: 

09:00 AM, January 4, 2007