This form is intended as a convenience in reporting observations of species on the Louisiana Bird Records Committee (LBRC) Review List. The LBRC recommends the use of this form or a similar format when submitting records for review (to assure that all pertinent information is accounted for). Attach additional pages as necessary. Please print or type. Attach xerox of field notes, drawings, photographs, or tape recordings, if available. Include all photos for more obscurely marked species. When completed, mail to Secretary, Louisiana Bird Records Committee, c/o Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3216.

English and Scientific names:  Broad-billed Hummingbird, Cynanthus latirostris


Number of individuals, sexes, ages, general plumage (e.g., 2 in alternate plumage): One, Male            

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Parish: Lafayette


Specific Locality: Home of Elaine Bourque


Date(s) when observed: January 2011 and 20 February 2011


Time(s) of day when observed: 25 January 2011 - 12:45 PM CST & 20 February 2011 - 9:00 AM CST


Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Reporting observer and address: Jay V. Huner, Boyce, LA

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s): January 2011 - None / 20 February 2011 - LABA Hummingbird Tour - several including Kevin Leigh, Michael Musumeche, Elaine Bourque, Erik Johnson and other.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Other observers who independently identified the bird(s): David Patton and Toddy Guidry

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light): Good Light Both Times - Overcast.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Optical equipment (type, power, condition): Zeiss 10 x 40 Binoculars

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Distance to bird(s): Approximately 10 yards.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Duration of observation: 25 January 2011 - 5 minutes / 20 February 2011 - 5 minutes.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Habitat: Rural yard. Riparian area along Vermilion River. Numerous camelia or camelia type evergreens in yard.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Behavior of bird / circumstances of observation (flying, feeding, resting; include and stress habits used in identification; relate events surrounding observation): Bird held in camelia type bush where, according to Ms. Bourque it had been spending the winter. There was a hummingbird feeder near the bush and on 25 January and 20 February, it made several quick trips to the feeder. It was, for the most part, reluctant to leave the bush but did chip on a regular basis.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Description (include only what was actually seen, not what "should" have been seen; include if possible: Blue Throat, Dark Green Body, Bill Reddish Orange with Black Tip. No similar species known to be in region.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Voice: Series of chits as describe by National Geographic Field Guide.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Similar species (include how they were eliminated by your observation): I know of no similar species with which this bird could be confused at least with adult males.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Photographs or tape recordings obtained? (by whom? attached?): None for 25 January 2011. Kevin Leigh MAY have gotten images on 20 February 2011.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Previous experience with this species: Observed/heard on several trips to SE Arizona.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Identification aids: (list books, illustrations, other birders, etc. used in identification): National Geographic Field Guide and Sibley Field Guide.


This description is written from: Notes and Memory.


Are you positive of your identification if not, explain: Yes.

Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif

Date/Time: 8 March 2011 / 12 Noon.


Description: http://www.losbird.org/lbrc/dot_clear.gif